Chinmaya Jayam Zone organised a one day workshop for the faculty members of Arya Vidya Mandir ( AVM) group of Institutions on 30th of July
Jul 30, 2021
Event : Swami Swatmananda ’s study class visit.
Date: 28th July
Topic: Why have faith in Covid times?
Attended by: 30 members from classes of Sevikas, Trupti Vyas, Bina Kejriwal and Shilpa Mavani
Reported by : Archana Awasthi
Jul 28, 2021
71 ardent devotees heard an excellent talk on Veda Vyas ji given by Smt. Sheela ji Chitnis and were mesmerised by the melodious bhajans chanted with so much bhava and devotion by the Bhajan team.
Jul 23, 2021
To mark the auspicious occasion of Guru Purnima on Friday 23rd July 2021 Sagar Zone Balavihar presented classes associated with commemorating Guruparampara.
Jul 23, 2021
To mark the auspicious occasion of Guru Purnima on Friday 23rd July 2021 Sagar Zone Balavihar presented classes associated with commemorating Guruparampara.
Jul 23, 2021
Event: Swami Swatmananda ji's, Study class visit
Date: July 16, 7:00 pm.
Topic: How to Shravan and Mananam? How to intensify Vairagya?
Attendees: 34 from classes of Vinita Asrani, Geeta Kothari, Shruti Somani Jul 16, 2021
Swami Swatmananda jis Study class visit 10th July 2021
46 from 3 classes of Vibha Mittal, 1 class of Darshana Kadadia, 1 class of Chandni Hitkari and 1 jointly conducted class of Chandni Hitkari and Pushpa Palat
Jul 10, 2021
Event: Swami Swatmananda ji's, Study class visit
Date: July 7, 11.30 am
Topic: What is the place of Sagun Bhakti (specially ritualism) in Adwait Vedant, given that it's thrust is that BRAHMAN, the nameless, formless alone exists.
Attendees: 55 members from 3 classes of Sevika Vinita ji Asrani and 2 classes of Sevika Aditi ji Agarwalla
Reported by: Namrata Agarwala Jul 7, 2021
'No God. No Peace. Know God. Know Peace'.
22nd to 24th June 2021
Three days series of talks by Swami Aparajitananda (Chinmaya Mission, Mangalore)
Jun 22, 2021
A seva of organising a Blood Donation drive under the initiative of 'Maximise Happiness (2021-2022)' of Chinmaya Mission Mumbai (Chinmaya Prerana Zone) was conducted on 30 May 2021 between 10:00am - 2:00pm.
May 30, 2021
Annadaan Fatherwadi, Nehru Nagar, Patel wadi and Amrutlal wadi
Chinmaya Prakash Zone donated kits of ration weighing about 15 Kilo grams which contained wheat flour, daal, rice, sugar, oil, tea, spices and other important edible items.
May 29, 2021
By Pujya Gurudev’s grace, on the auspicious day of Sita Navmi, 21st May 2021 an Annadaan Seva was done at Hanuman Temple, Vile Parle West for the needy.
May 21, 2021
Recently, Chinmaya Sagar started a new Pre CHYK Class titled ‘Power Up’, for teenagers between the age of 13 and 17 years. The limited series workshop is aimed at empowering teenagers with an intricate understanding of relevant life topics such as ‘Facing exams without stress’, ‘Goal setting and discipline’, ‘Stress to strength’ & ‘Patriotic transformation’
May 19, 2021