

Braving many technical challenges thrown by the pandemic situation, Chinmaya Sagar zone conducted the GEETA CHANTING COMPETITION AREA FINALS successfully, in an extremely well planned and executed, judging event over Zoom, from the 11th to 13th December 20, 2020.

245 participants from across South Mumbai reached the final round of the competition from all those who had enthusiastically learnt chanting. The judges' feedback complimented the preparation and skill of the chanters and expressed how close the competition was. 

On the 19th of December,2020 the prize winners were announced over an efficiently conducted online event which had an audience of 180. Respected Swami Swatmananda ji also graced the occasion with his presence. The event began with a vote of thanks to all the participants, teaching Sevikas, participating schools, their Principals and the teachers for their support. Special gratitude was expressed to the parents who encouraged their children and motivated them to understand the glory of the Bhagawad Geeta and learn chanting.

In his inspiring talk that followed, Swamiji highlighted the learnings in the verses taken up for the competition. Swamiji inspired the children to rise, work hard and reach their goals without fear, with devotion to the Lord and not focusing on success or failure.  Swamiji’s encouraging words and examples from the scriptures, seemed to calm the anxiety of all who were waiting for the results with bated breath.

The results were then announced (group wise area wise) and shown on the screen as a ppt presentation, amidst many smiling faces and congratulatory messages. A befitting finale indeed to months of dedicated effort by all who supported GCC 2020, Sagar Zone.

GCC Sagar
GCC Sagar

GCC Sagar

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Sagar GCC

Sagar GCC