
Monthly talk on Happy mess to Happiness

Prachitiji spoke on the impermanent nature of happiness derived from worldly objects. The audience listened with rapt attention, as she spoke on the hollowness of happiness from objects (Happy mess) versus the permanent bliss of the Self (Happiness). She explained in detail the following characteristics of worldly happiness that are flawed:

* Eventually results in pain

* Temporary in nature

* Relative with varying grades

* Causes dependency

* Drains the panchendriyas

* Guaranteed dissatisfaction at the end


On the other hand, Bliss is eternal, permanent. It does not depend on anything, has no gradation and is uninterrupted. While explaining the difference between the two, Prachitiji compared the experience of the sweetness of chocolate (Happiness) versus the sweetness of chocolate eaten with the wrapper (Happy mess)! She concluded by emphasizing that only the study of Vedanta and contemplation on its teaching can lead us to the path of Self Realisation and eventually experience the bliss of the Self (Happiness). At the end of the talk, audience was left with very few doubts; with such convincing arguments coming from an accomplished surgeon, who made a wise choice while at the peak of her career.