
Evolve through teaching

In continuation with the workshop on "Beyond Teaching" by Swami


Chidrupanandaji on January 9 th and with the request from all teachers, Br


Ved Chaitanya ji the resident Acharya of Navi Mumbai conducted a follow-


up workshop for them on February 6 th 2016 in our Chinmaya Prerana




The topic of the workshop was "Evolve through Teaching", 25 teachers


attended the workshop from various State board, CBSE and ICSE schools in


and around Navi Mumbai. Few teachers, who had registered for the


workshop in advance, expressed their inability to attend, as they were


preoccupied in their schools with sports day, PTM etc.


All teachers who attended said that the workshop was very useful and it


really has shaken their method of teaching and their approach to the




A simple mantra given by the speaker was while going to the class, teachers’


attitude should be of learning something new instead of ‘I am going to




A teacher should understand that the student-teacher combination is a


Made For Each Other relation. When this understanding comes a teacher


never complains about her students inability in any fields. During question-


answer session many teacher came out with the problems they faced every


day in school. Br. Ved ji patiently answered all their queries. Workshop


ended with thanks giving to the Acharya and teachers by the organizers.