
Talk by Swami Swatmanandji

Event: Talk by Swami Swatmanandji

Date: 13th June 2016

Host: Raghav & Kavita Daga


Using the movie, The Peaceful Warrior as a tool, Swamiji explained the meaning of the Goal of life -    Having achieved that after which there is no other goal left to achieve.

What is Samsara? It is that where people chase happiness outside. Who is a seeker? He is the one who turns within to seek permanent happiness.

How does a seeker achieve that? By aligning his Body, Mind and Intellect so that Emotions, Thoughts and Actions come together and there is no agitation. Quietude of the mind is a sign of happiness.

How does one turn the mind within?

By following the 3 Yogas: Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga & Jnana Yoga.

Anchor your mind to the Higher and slowly build your spiritual stamina. Follow the Formula of  

Exercise for 20 mins, Study for 20 mins & Meditate for 20 mins daily. Practice detachment ie. Non-dependency on external objects for your happiness.


Kavita Daga