
Talk on Hanuman Chalisa

Swaminiji’s talks on the entire Shri Hanuman Chalisa were interspersed with a variety of practical and traditional perspectives. She highlighted
that conventionally, Hanumanji is the paramount role model for devotees of Lord Rama, in view of his virtues, feats of unique achievements and profound devotion. However, in the modern times Hanumanji has earned a loftier eminence among business management professionals
worldwide. He demonstrated the infallible professional qualities of humility, adaptability, ownership of task, unidirectional dedication,
single-pointed, managerial skills, aiding intuition, notional strategic thinking along with the perfected art of body language and effective communication. Thus Hanumanji inspires professionals in the modern times as theultimate management Guru and to spiritual thinkers he is the
profound Guru Tattva - serving as the supreme bridge to cross over the ocean of samsara and attain merger with Shri Rama