
  • Can I do it?
Audio track: Please click here to listen to the narration about this exhibit.
Text about the exhibit
In 1951, while sitting on a boulder in Gangotri, in deep contemplation on the banks of the gushing Ganga, Swami Chinmayananda wondered: “Can I do it? Can i face the educated class of India and bring to their faithless hearts a ray of understanding of our wondrous culture?" 
As he was plagued with doubts about his own ability to awaken the masses, the answer emerged from the thundering and ever-flowing Mother Ganga - “Son! See me; born here in the Himalayas, i rush down to the plains, taking with me life and nourishment to all. Fulfilment of any possession is in sharing it with others.”
He felt encouraged, He felt reinforced. The urge became irresistible.
Swami Chinmayananda reflects here about our culture and its decline and also thinks about his life from childhood up to this point. To your right you will find the scene depicting the Decline of the Vedic Culture.
Design Notes
Can I do it?
The river has water from River Ganga & Sarasvati. On the boulder Swami Chinmayananda is sitting and wondering about the decline of our culture and how to revive it. On the boulder is a mirror polish stainless steel panel that reflects the surroundings and is symbolic of the reflective nature of the moment. Within the panel is a cut out of Gurudev looking towards the source of the River Ganga and his Guru Swami Tapovan am. The river flows from the statue of Swami Tapovanam to the statue of Swami Chinmayananda, also symbolising the flow of Knowledge from the Guru to the Shishya.