
  • Sri Swami Tapovanam
Audio track: Please click here to listen to the narration about this exhibit.
Text about the exhibit
Sri Swami Tapovanam was unique in that inspite of his inordinate erudition and scholarship deep devotion and highest spiritual realization he chose to remain in his humble mud plastered one room kutia with a small veranda at Uttar Kashi. He lived always ever retire from the hub-bub of life revelLing in his own self. He hated all ostentations - physical and mental. He recommended study, reflection and attempts at direct experience. He must learn to lift our minds to meet Him where He is in our own hearts. 
A scholarly pundit from Jaipur who was also Gurudev’s life long ardent devotee had composed a prayerful hymn upon Sri Gurudev. Verse by verse the hymn composed in the very vocabulary of the Upanishads invokes the Supreme Self and the poet identifies that Self Divine with Sri Swami Tapovanam. We must all realize that.. the infinite substratum for the entire universe, Brahman, contities…for blessing us all is Sri Gurudev, the Lord of Soumya Kashi, Sri Swami Tapovanam.
I wish all Balavihars, Chyks, Study Group members and all other non attached Devotees we learn and repeat it everyday Let us invoke him to this mass chanting to bless our country and all our efforts reviving this great culture. Let this hymn be sung throughout the world in all our centres in the same tune and in a chorus of sheer faith and pure devotion… Hariom !
About Swami Tapovanji
“A God without a temple, a Veda without language was this master mind. He lived for sixty eight years, as a monumental expression of an ideal Vedantic teacher. Swami Tapovanji Maharaj was not a person. He was not just any historical entity, he was not a saint of the ordinary order, he was indeed a miracle and a great blessing for the society that he lived in our times. The glory of what the mission is doing is all his glory. He sat down in the verandah of his hut for 45 to 50 years, ever established in his own Self and expressing it in every movement of his. Everything of his was a glorification and a reflection of the Infinite Self in him.
Swami Tapovanji Maharaj is a presence, a light, a fragrance, a glow. As such, it is impossible to communicate it. A light, a joy is something to be experienced. The only way to communicate is that you also study the Gita and learn to live the righteous life and experience what Swami Tapovanam is. Invoke His grace, a very powerful one, to make you an adhikari for the study of the Upanishads and for help in meditation. Make use of Him - if you can.
Swami Tapovanam was an institution uncaused and he caused no cause. He came from nowhere, existed everywhere and ultimately went to be everywhere. Keep him in your heart and let him do the work and purify you.” - Swami Chinmayananda
About the statue of Tapovanji
On March 27, 1978, the statue of Swami Tapovanam was installed. Swami Chinmayananda desired that his guru should be present as a Guardian Angel to shower his blessings over the entire activities of Sandeepany Sadhanalaya.
"Ours is a great responsibility. We, his sishya-family have to see that He finds an ample field in our individual bosoms to express Himself. It is not sufficient that we evolve ourselves - we must learn to release Him to be visible here. It is a glorious chance now to take a sacred oath upon ourselves that we shall not rest contented until He is fulfilled. Hindu revival is the Tapovana Vratam.
At least we, who are his immediate disciples, must consider the full moon day of each month as a sacred day for fasting, study, prayer and deep meditation. Let us observe the Poornima day as a day for inspiration and self dedication till the Tapovana Vratam of Hindu Revival is accomplished!
I shall consider myself fulfilled if my life and work become my message of adoration and gratitude to my Teacher. Words can never gather Him in their embrace. Love alone can. Let us all adore Him and work for His fulfilment which is the goal of Chinmaya Mission.”