
  • Chinmaya Mission Vision
Text about the exhibit
“A visionary need not be a missionary but must have a vision. A visionary is dreamer, but a missionary is one who having visualised an idea, puts forth all his energy until he brings into the world that vision.”
“The Chinmaya Mission will never teach you anything, but it is an organization, where all come together to learn. The Science of Reality and the path of God Realisation are the main subjects that one will learn. There are subsidiary attempts such as sharpening your personality, blazing up your intellect, oiling your emotions, refitting your relationships, recharging your convictions, replenishing your values – in short, you will DIE and in your place a more brilliant person will be born. If you are ready for this Self Resurrection, come to the cavalry – The Chinmaya Mission.”
“If the Chinmaya Yagnas have cleared the jungle, the Chinmaya Mission has ploughed the field, the study groups have watered it, and the various conferences of workers, each year, have sown the seeds. The crop is luxuriously coming up. It will take time for it to ripen so that we may gather them.
As mission members we must learn to drop all class or caste distinction. We must forget even to entertain them! All are Narayana only. Embrace all with equal love and respect. The other is also a member of this glorious civilization, this divine culture called Hinduism. And the members are the chosen few among the masses, who have the call in themselves and so have volunteered to join the forces of creative reconstruction. To each member, other members are sacred- to be loved and revered.
Chinmaya mission was forged in, developed and worked out essentially for the study of our scriptures and the philosophy-of-life which they contain; and this actually is the spring board for the great Hindu way of life. To propagate this truth among the peoples of the world is our sole program.
This work must go on quietly, steadily, with no fanfare, or publicity, or echoing assertions, or thundering applauses. It must burn on like fire in saw dust, smokeless yet ever alive. Mission members, wherever they are, in whatever condition, their life’s work is to discuss and impart the essence of Vedanta, and to inspire others to live the dynamic, courageous, chaste life of love and dedication.”
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