
  • BMI Installation
  • BMI Installation
Audio track: Please click here to listen to the narration about this exhibit.
Text about the exhibit
The BMI Installations can be understood standing on the ground, vertically as well as climbing on it and seeing it from top horizontally.
When seeing it vertically, you can see the following lines: 
Unmanifest Tendencies
Through My Body
I, the Perceiver
Perceive the world of Objects
Through My Mind
I, the Feeler
Feel the world of Emotions
Through my Intellect
I, the Thinker
Think the world of Thoughts
Vasanas are our past impressions which make us desire, think and act. Overcoming Vasana-Pressure one discovers OM in one’s heart as the Self.
When looking at it horizontally, you can see the following:
The biggest circle is the fields of our Experiences: Objects, Emotions & Thoughts. All the three put together is our World. Many different words are carved and spread throughout this circle to explain Objects, Emotions & Thoughts.
Perceive the world of OBJECTS:
Wealth, House, Gadgets, Spouse, Children, Sense objects, Friends, Food, Vehicles, Clothes, Style,
Feel the world of EMOTIONS:
Love, Compassion, Humility, Fearlessness, Purity, Generosity, Passion, Anger, Greed, Delusion, Intoxication, Jealousy
Think the world of THOUGHTS:
Work, People, Society, Self-image, Status, Success, Family, Country, Culture, Spirituality, Beliefs, Ideology
You can sit and reflect on what is the world around you? What attracts and repels you? What is that on which your happiness depends? These words are just symbolic to invoke thinking and introspection. There could be many other words that you can think of.
The second circle is of the Experiencer, the Individual Perceiver, Feeler & Thinker. This is what we refer to when we say ‘i’. Identified with the Body, one becomes the Perceiver, with the mind one becomes the Feeler and with the intellect one becomes the Thinker. Various words describe the individual and what one thinks about oneself. 
I observe, I smell, I Touch, I Feel, I Taste, I Hurt, I Heal, I’m Tall, I’m Short, I’m Young, I’m Old, I’m Slim, I ‘m Fat
I, the FEELER:
I’m Happy, I’m Sad, I’m Confused, I’m Excited, I’m Depressed, I’m Positive, I’m Hopeful, I’m Tense, I’m Relaxed, I’m Peaceful
I’m Successful, I’m Faithful, I’m a Failure, I’m an Atheist, I’m a Believer, I’m a Democrat, I’m Creative, I’m a Secular Hindu, I’m Inspired, I’m Stressed, I’m Silly, I’m Smart
You can reflect on various thoughts & emotions of this individuality and question - Is this really me or is it just the roles i play? These self-descriptive thoughts are of the equipments and its conditions. But Who am i?
The Third circle is of our Equipments of Experience - The Body, Mind & Intellect. All of us have these equipments which we use to perceive, feel and think. Various words describe the various states of these equipments. We have falsely identified their conditions to be ours and are bound.
BODY My Equipment to Perceive : 
Conceived, Born, Grows, Changes, Deteriorates, Dies, 84 lakh species, Man, Woman, Child
MIND My Equipment to Emote:
Doubting, Impulsive, Attached, Restless, Detached, Focused, Pure
INTELLECT My Equipment to Think:
Discrimination, Decisiveness, Self-awareness, Rational, Why, What, When, How, Where, Ignorant
One can reflect about these equipments and understand that im not what i have. Im different. Example - Im different from a car, a phone, a house etc. because i have them. Same way i have a BMI and im different from them. No matter what happens to these, I remain unaffected. 
The three sections of the BMI Chart - BMI, PFT, OET are displayed with distinct colors for clarity. Body, Perceiver and Objects are interlaced with brown stones. Mind, Feeler & Emotions with black stones. Intellect, Thinker & Thoughts, with white stones.
The fourth and the smallest circle is of Vasanas. Though we all have equipments made of same 5 elements, yet why are we different? Its because of our Vasanas. These are the past impressions which prompt us to desire, think and act. We are a product of our vasanas. But we have the freewill in the present to exert self-effort and change our vasanas & life. The words describe different aspects of Vasanas. 
Unmanifest past impressions, Personality-Fragrance, Manifests as Desires-Throughts-Actions, Grooves, Quality & Quantity. Cause of Desires-Thoughts-Actions.
These Vasanas need to be purified in quality, reduced in quantity and transcended through Meditation. Karma-Yoga, Bhakti-Yoga, Raja-Yoga & Jnana-Yoga help us to do this. 
Above the Vasanas is OM. Our True Nature. It is Existence-Consciousness-Bliss. Infinite, Immortal, Immaculate. To realize this is the Goal of Evolution, especially human life. This is the Permanent Reality. Rest are only roles we play temporarily. This alone is appearing as the whole Universe.
Om is in the form of a windwane and visible from all sides. 
As you walk down the ramp, besides the BMI installation, you will see the significance of Jnana Yagnas on the left.
Design Notes
BMI Chart Installation
The installation is a spatial manifestation of the BMI chart, one that the visitor can climb, traverse and perch upon. 
It is conceived in the form of 4 extruded concentric circles, representing the 4 tiers of the BMI Chart (OM, Vasana, BMI, PFT & OET), with the Om symbol at its centre, atop a pole.
The resulting structure is like an amphitheatre, circular in plan with 4 levels. The horizontal surfaces of the levels are clad with stone slabs with engraved words and phrases.While walking on the installation, the visitor will be able to read various words indicating each aspect of the Chart. Climbing up and walking around the levels, while reading the words will allow visitors to inter-connect the various aspects of the Chart.
Video about the exhibit content