
  • Study Groups/Devi Groups
Text about the exhibit
Age group: 41 to 58yrs
“Swaadhyaayaan Maa Pramadaha” says the Taittiriya Upanishad. 
Do not neglect self-study. 
Vision : Study is the means. Self-control is the way. But Self-Realisation is the goal.
Started in 1953 and inaugurated the birth of Chinmaya Mission
Quote by Gurudev : 
1. Study attentively, reflect deeply, practice slowly.
2. Study Groups constitute the heart of our Mission. 
3. Read, Reflect, Recollect, Reproduce.
4. Even after the sugar is added, coffee tastes bitter. Why? Even after listening to Vedanta, our bitterness remains. Why? The coffee has not been stirred. The Knowledge has not been churned & assimilated.
5. Every Hindu holds a duty and responsibility to study, master and communicate the sacred knowledge to the world, which is now thirsting for it. 
6. Operate from Strength. This Strength comes from: Sincere study, regular abhyas, firm conviction, missionary zeal and deep devotion to what you undertake to achieve.
Quote by Swami Tejomayananda
1. Knowing about the world is important. Knowing oneself is vital.
2. Knowledge gained through swadhyaya must be made clear and firm in our minds through vichaar, brought into our aachaar and spread out through prachaar. 
Chinmaya Study group involves five to fifteen people who meet at a mutually agreed time, place and day for about ninety minutes each week. The group studies and discusses scriptural texts according to a prescribed syllabus that offers the seeker a systematic exposure to Vedanta. Devi Groups are exclusively for women. These groups meet for scriptural study, devotional singing and a variety of cultural and social activities.The focus of the Study Group/Devi Group is ‘shastra-chintan-pradhan’ i.e. the emphasis is on the study and logical reflection on the teachings of the scriptures. The aim is to gain Self-knowledge.
Aims & Objectives:
Developing and inquiring and reflecting mind
Strengthening Faith & Devotion
Spreading the Knowledge
Inculcating a spirit of love & service
Fostering the Chinmaya Family spirit
Developing communication skills
Training sevaks/workers
Format of the class:
Prayers & Bhajans – 10min
Summary(previous class) – 5min
Reading – 25min
Discussion – 40min
Summary by the SEvak – 5min
Assigning new portions, Pledge & Prayer – 5min
Members speak
“Every morning after meditation we sit together and do our svadhyaya. Study group gives meaning and joy to life. It ensures that there is never any monotony.”
“Study group gave me a means for keeping the Divine uppermost in my mind throughout my daily activities. It is my weekly reminder of what is most important in my life.”
“Study group has taught me that everything is not in my control and I must do the best and leave the rest. It has brought a certain sense of peace and reduced my stress in professional life.”
“After many years of listening to texts being taught, it is only after joining a study group that actual study has begun.”
Devi Group
Started in 1958
“Women had indeed and even today are the real custodians of our country’s spiritual culture.When a mother is a true seeker, the whole environment of the house changes. You are the mother, the model, the guru.” - Swami Chinmayananda
Devi Groups’ impact:
Deeper understanding of spirituality in the family
Cultural Traditions kept alive and done meaningfully
Entire families may get committed to service
Produces Sevikas/Sevaks for Balavihars, Pre-CHYK, CHYK, Study groups etc. 
Women become effective role models for children & other women
To know more about Study Groups and Devi Groups, please read - “Scripture - A Mirror”