
Free Your Mind - Talks by Swami Swatmananda

Day 1
Success is the tribute life pays to excellence. -  A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

How does one achieve excellence?  Through Inspiration
What is Inspiration?
Our goal has to exceed our grasp. Only then are our true potential is unleashed.
 Aspire to high goals; dedicate all actions to them.
Don’t be satisfied with small, achievable goals.
Aspiration + Inspiration = Success.
Aspiration – Inspiration = Perspiration.

Why do we find it difficult to be Inspired?
Because there are blocks to Inspiration in our Minds, these blocks are regrets about the past, tensions in present, anxiety about future. 

The Lord says:
nirāśīrnirmamo bhūtvā yudhyasya vigatajvaraḥ - Gita 3:30
nirmamo – without Regrets about the past.
nirāśīrnir – without Anxieties about the future.
vigatajvaraḥ - without Tensions about the present.

Regrets nurtured for a long time give rise to self-limiting beliefs. 90% of our thoughts are about ourselves.Our mind constantly thinks about itself.  Negative self-thoughts reinforce negative self-belief.Our mind can be our worst enemy or our best friend.

Think positively about yourself. The Future is not a repetition of the Past.Failure is not a permanent stigma.Past failures do not determine your worth. A dirty, crumpled currency note does not lose its value.

Simple ways to overcome regrets:
Bounce back: harder a ball is hit, the more it bounces back 
Learn to ask : so what

Deal with Regret
1. Determine the cause of regret.
2. Feel your regrets keenly. If you feel, you Heal 
3. Forgive yourself.
4. Do prāyaścit. Make restitution. Do not repeat.
5. Leave the past behind. Look forward.
6. Set behavior goals for yourself.  Do something you have never done.
Formula for Day 1: Past = Lessons - Regrets