
Talks on Prioritization of Life

Important points :
1. In life, we have 2 goals to accomplish. Firstly to find out what is our goal and then pursue the goal, which is to find out our ‘True Identity’.This would enable us to work out our priorities, that would lead us to the supreme goal. Mere focus on worldly knowledge and activities will not lead us beyond the realm of current life.
2. One should only enjoy the wealth he has acquired through his karmas and not digress from his path by going after carnal pleasures, as life is as ephemeral as a drop of water on the lotus leaf.
3. Departure from this world is inevitable, despite your status and family background.It is therefore essential that you focus on your goal of
knowing yourself i.e. Govind /Brahman.
4. Your family and worldly relationships get meaning only through this Govind alone,who is readily available in the company of saints. Meeting
him alone ends all your miseries here and hereafter.
5. On the way to the Supreme goal, stay away from false pride in wealth, popularity and young age, which will stray one from once path.
6. Swamiji then briefed the listeners on day-to- day measures, like japa, meditation,satsang, charity for the poor,etc.
7. He further stressed the importance of sadhanas such as Ashtang Yoga, discriminating between Nitya (Permanent) and Anitya (Impermanent),
and the state of equanimity.
8. These Sadhanas in combination with firm abidance in Guru’s teaching will result in control of senses and mind, that would result in Self-realisation i.e. attainment of Govind.
- Surendra Herwadkar